Kolbot to PermIt Integration


After kolbot finishes a mule account, it gets published to PermIt for processing. After PermIt is done processing, it can optionally be configured to publish the expiration date, items, gold, socket quest and imbue quest to iDB. This removes the need to log all your mules manually via iDB or iDB-Web.

How To


At the top of the file, add this:
var permItSettings = {
    databaseName	: "Default",		// database name to send to
    address		: "localhost",		// IP Address to connect to
    port		: 7339,			// Port to connect to
    loginName		: "",			// login name
    loginPass		: "",			// login pass
databaseName Name of the database in iDB that you want to publish to (if it doesn't exist, the database will be created automatically). Use a blank to force PermIt to use its Database Name configuration. If PermIt has a blank for that as well then iDB will lookup the existing database that the account is logged under.
address localhost or to point at the local machine
Otherwise, use the target's IP or host name
Don't forget to open the firewall & setup port forwarding on the target server!
port Typically 7339 unless the TCP-Port has been changed on PermIt
iDBloginName Leave blank
iDBloginPass Leave blank
Then inside the nextAccount function, add this:
function nextAccount() {
	var obj = MuleData.read();
	if (obj.account) {
		try {
			let initializationRequest = {
				type			: "InitializationRequest",
				app			: "Kolbot",
				name			: permItSettings.loginName,
				password		: permItSettings.loginPass,
			let initializationRequestStr = JSON.stringify(initializationRequest);
			let permAccountRequest = {
				type			: "PermAccountRequest",
				server			: muleObj.realm.toLowerCase(),
				accountName		: obj.account,
				accountPassword		: muleObj.accountPassword,
				databaseName		: permItSettings.databaseName
			let permAccountRequestStr = JSON.stringify(permAccountRequest);
			let con = Socket.open(permItSettings.address, permItSettings.port);
			con.send(initializationRequestStr + String.fromCharCode(3));
			con.send(permAccountRequestStr + String.fromCharCode(3));
			print("Sent to PermIt..");
			con = false;
		} catch (e) {

	obj.accNum = obj.accNum + 1;
	obj.account = muleObj.accountPrefix + obj.accNum;
	obj.character = "";
	obj.charNum = 0;
	obj.fullChars = [];
	obj.torchChars = [];


	return obj.account;


At the top of the file, add this and configure it the same way as the other file is configured:
var permItSettings = {
    databaseName	: "Default",		// database name to send to
    address		: "localhost",		// IP Address to connect to
    port		: 7339,			// Port to connect to
    loginName		: "",			// login name
    loginPass		: "",			// login pass
Half way down, add this code to the splash screen switch:
case 18: // D2 Splash
	if (nextAcc) {
		try {
			let initializationRequest = {
				type			: "InitializationRequest",
				app				: "Kolbot",
				name			: permItSettings.loginName,
				password		: permItSettings.loginPass,
			let initializationRequestStr = JSON.stringify(initializationRequest);
			let permAccountRequest = {
				type			: "PermAccountRequest",
				server			: currAcc[2].toLowerCase(),
				accountName		: currAcc[0],
				accountPassword : currAcc[1],
				databaseName	: permItSettings.databaseName
			let permAccountRequestStr = JSON.stringify(permAccountRequest);
			let con = Socket.open(permItSettings.address, permItSettings.port);
			con.send(initializationRequestStr + String.fromCharCode(3));
			con.send(permAccountRequestStr + String.fromCharCode(3));
			print("Sent to PermIt..");
			con = false;
		} catch (e) {


		nextAcc = false;


2020-03-05: v1.1

  • ADD Added hook for D2BotMuleLog entry script

2019-11-18: v1.0

  • ADD Initial